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FlippingBook In Action

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Per vedere questo contenuto deve essere abilitato JavaScript e deve essere disponibile la versione aggiornata di Adobe Flash Player. Fai click qui per scaricare la vesione aggiornata di Flash Player.

Page 7. Portfolio created with the help of FlippingBook technology will impress your visitors and potential customers and stay in their memory for a long time. For example, if you are a web-designer, you can place a screenshot of a web-site on a page of your page flip presentation and place the link into the page description field.

This sample book demonstrates several ways of using the component.
FlippingBook engine works with JPG, PNG, GIF and SWF (Flash) files. The JPG is convenient for creating picture albums, PNG or GIF format - for text, screenshots, drafts. The SWF format is convenient for presentations with animation, video, links etc. You can modify this text in administration back-end (Components > FlippingBook > Manage Books > FlippingBook In Action > Description).

FlippingBook Gallery Component. Demo version. Page flip flash gallery for Joomla.